The journey of motherhood is physically as well as emotionally draining. A 9-month long pregnancy is no joke. A new mother has to endure the changes in her body every trimester. Morning sickness, food cravings and body pains are some of the most common challenges faced by most soon-to-be moms.
Without enough support from family and friends, pregnant women often can find it hard to cope with their pregnancy. The feeling of loneliness, worry and sadness may lead women to develop mental health issues before their delivery.
Once the pregnancy period is over, a new set of challenges begin as soon as the baby is born. Again, new moms will feel physical and emotional exhaustion because they need to tend to the baby’s needs.
Common Mental Health Issues of New Moms
Lack of sleep is the number one problem new moms face when the baby is born. Nursing mothers may also experience stress when it comes to the question whether their babies are getting enough milk supply.Taking care of a new mother’s mental health is important in order to have the capability to take care of the baby. It is important to observe signs and symptoms in order to address the issues immediately.Some common mental issues that new moms experience include:
Baby Blues
This condition happens within five days after the baby’s birth. Around 80% of new moms experience it. Symptoms include insomnia, impatience and fatigue. It occurs due to the changes in hormones as well as the adjustment to the feeling of becoming a new mother.
Attachment Problems
New mothers expect a certain bond with their babies after a few days of giving birth. However, sometimes this bond do not happen. Feelings of stress of guilt may occur when attachment problems happen. However, the bond you are looking for will happen over time
Around 16% of women experience some form of anxiety when the baby is born. A wave of worry usually sweeps over a new mom due to her fear of being separated from the baby even just for a while or there is fear that the child is not being cared for enough. Anxiety symptoms include panic attacks, restlessness, fear and tension in the chest and muscles.
Postpartum Depression
Based on the Center for Disease Control or CDC, 11% up to 20% of mothers who just gave birth manifest postpartum depression symptoms. This number is incredibly high as it translates to around 950,000 women annually. Postpartum depression or PPD is also known as postnatal depression. This condition is usually linked with childbirth. Symptoms include:
- Crying episodes
- Sadness
- Mood swings
- Difficulty in sleeping
- Changes in eating habits
- Anxiety and more.
If you are experiencing any signs of postpartum depression please seek help with a medical provider.
Improving Mental Health for New Moms
Addressing mental health issues after childbirth is important in order for the mother to fully care for her child. As a new mom, the challenges are far too great to face alone. These are some of the ways to improve your mental health:
Eat right!
Unhealthy food can affect your mood. Reward it for all the hard work it has been doing. It deserves quality food instead of frozen pizza or a leftover dinner. Refuel your body with healthy food. Include food that can help increase your milk supply such as:
- Oatmeal
- Fennel Seeds
- Spinach
- Carrots
- Almonds
Your partner (or a close friend or family member) is the number one person you can talk to regarding your mental health. If you feel exhausted or you need a break, ask your partner to give you a short break. Talk to them about your feelings in order to let out everything that you have been bottling inside.
Ask for support
You cannot do everything alone. Ask your partner or your family to help you with some of the things you need to be done. Getting the support you need allows you to have time to recuperate.
Get some rest
Harvard Medical School stated that it is best to rest or sleep when the baby is asleep. Take the opportunity to catch up on some sleep so when the baby wakes, you have the energy to take care of him or her.
Get some sunshine
Being cooped inside the house can make you feel depressed. When feeling low, try going out of the house. Enjoy the sunshine. Breathe in some fresh air. Get away from whatever makes you feel sad and celebrate motherhood.
Consult with a medical professional when you feel low and anxious. Find someone who is familiar with mental issues related to childbirth. Be outspoken with your feelings and let others help you become better and healthier.

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