Baby's almost here and you plan to breastfeed, let's talk about preparing a breastfeeding nook...
and you want to set yourself up for success. We at milk & baby know what a special time this is for new moms and want to help. In the spirit of moming, we’ve collected sage advice from veteran moms all across the land to help you out. There’s a sisterhood of seasoned mama’s out here that have learned a thing or two.
You're likely going to more hungry than normal. Keep snacks handy, especially one's that can be eaten with one hand!
Water Bottle
It takes a good amount of water to product milk, so stay hydrated. Keep water with a straw close.

Breast Pads
Not everyone leaks, but if you do, keep a clean stash of reusable nursing pads ready to switch out so you're always fresh.

Burp Clothes for the Early Days
Babies spit up, it's pretty normal. Keeping a burp cloth handy is a great idea.
A Milk Catcher/Saver
There are several brands available, and they all work a little different. Having something to catch milk leaking from the breast your baby is not on is like bonus milk!
Phone Charger
Let's be Realistic. You know you're likely to be on your phone while you're nursing. And there's nothing worse than your phone dying and you can't get up to charge it!
These can be used as back support or lap support, but having them available is key!
A Stool
You want to be comfortable, so wherever you set this up, make sure there's a stool or ottoman handy!

Something for Siblings
If you have other children, have something for them to do when they want to come in and be next you you. Books, quiet toys, etc...
We hope these were really helpful for you. Of course you can always check in our shop for some of the basic stuff you’ll want. And remember, there’s no such thing as being completely prepared and ready. Take what works for you and you’re doing a great job mama!
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