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Blogueuse invitée {Amy} : Mon lait maternel fait-il mal à mon bébé ?

Guest Blogger {Amy}: Is My Breastmilk Hurting My Baby? - Milk & Baby

Amy Adams

Amy est spécialiste de l'encapsulation du placenta, leader de la Ligue La Leche, enseignante d'hébreu à l'école primaire de son temple et bénévole communautaire, entre autres.

6 commentaires


I am so glad I came across this post.! I have 3 precious little girls and it turns out that my youngest, who is 10 weeks old, may have DG, I had to take her in twice to have the heel prick done and both results came back abnormal. I received a call from her pediatrician asking me to bring her back in for another test to determine what her enzyme activity levels are and that we would go from there. He told me that I could continue to breastfeed but to not eat or drink anything with lactose. My baby is thriving well, gaining weight, cooing, and seem healthy overall. She has always been a very gassy baby and gets frequent tummy aches but she nurses very well and the thought of having to stop has made me very sad. I have been terrified of what I could be doing to her liver if her GALT levels are high. This post gave me a bit of reassurance that my breastmilk is not going to damage her permanently or cause developmental delays, E-coli, or cataracts. This is what all of the websites say when you research. Its a scary thing! Thank you for sharing your story for those of us who are dealing with the same thing.

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